The Science Of Homeopathy George Vithoulkas Pdf
Homeopata Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. La homeopata del griego hmoios, igual, y pthos, dolencia es un sistema de medicina alternativa creado en 1. Samuel Hahnemann basado en su doctrina de lo similar cura lo similar similia similibus curentur, que sostiene que una sustancia que causa los sntomas de una enfermedad en personas sanas curar lo similar en personas enfermas. La homeopata es una pseudociencia una creencia que es presentada falsamente como ciencia. Las preparaciones homeopticas no son efectivas para tratar ninguna enfermedad. Estudios a gran escala han demostrado que los remedios homeopticos no son ms efectivos que los placebos, lo que sugiere que cualquier sensacin positiva posterior al tratamiento solo se debe al efecto placebo y la recuperacin normal de la enfermedad. Hahnemann crea que las causas subyacentes de las enfermedades eran fenmenos que llam miasmas y que los remedios homeopticos actuaban sobre ellos. Amy Winehouse Frank Back To Black Deluxe Edition. Estos son preparados por diluciones sucesivas de la sustancia elegida en alcohol o agua destilada, seguidas de un enrgico golpe a un cuerpo elstico usualmente un libro encuadernado en cuero. Usualmente la dilucin contina mucho ms all del punto donde ya no permanecen molculas de la sustancia original. Los homepatas seleccionan las preparaciones1. La homeopata no es un sistema de tratamiento verosmil, ya que sus dogmas sobre cmo actan los medicamentos, la enfermedad, el cuerpo humano, los lquidos y las soluciones han sido refutados por gran nmero de descubrimientos desde los mbitos de la biologa, psicologa, fsica y qumica realizados en los dos siglos posteriores a su invencin. Aunque algunos ensayos clnicos producen resultados positivos,1. La persistencia de la prctica homeoptica, a pesar de la evidencia de que no funciona, se ha criticado como no tica debido a que desalienta el uso de tratamientos efectivos1. Organizacin Mundial de la Salud alert contra su uso para tratar enfermedades graves como el sida o la malaria. La insistencia de su uso, a pesar de la ausencia de evidencia sobre su eficacia,672. Evaluaciones por el National Health and Medical Research Council NHMRC australiano, la Comisin de Ciencia y Tecnologa de la Cmara de los Comunes del Reino Unido y la Oficina Federal de Salud Pblica de Suiza han concluido todos que la homeopata es ineficaz y desaconsejaron continuar su financiacin. Historia. Cuadro de 1. Alexander Beydeman mostrando figuras histricas y personificaciones de la homeopata que observan la brutalidad de la medicina del siglo XIX. Contexto histrico. Los homepatas afirman que Hipcrates pudo haber originado la homeopata alrededor del ao 4. C. cuando prescribi una pequea dosis de raz de mandrgora para tratar la mana, sabiendo que la produce en dosis mucho ms grandes. The Science Of Homeopathy George Vithoulkas Pdf DownloadOscillococcinum or Oscillo is a homeopathic preparation marketed to relieve influenzalike symptoms. It does not provide any benefit beyond that of sugar pills. La homeopata del griego hmoios, igual, y pthos, dolencia es un sistema de medicina alternativa creado en 1796 por. Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his doctrine of like cures like similia similibus curentur, a claim. Homeopatia considerada uma filosofia lato sensu holstica, vitalstica, pelo fato de interpretar doenas e enfermidades como causadas pelo desequilbrio ou. Resident Evil 5 - Full Version Pc Games. Materia-Medica-Viva-1-12-engl-George-Vithoulkas.01809.jpg' alt='The Science Of Homeopathy George Vithoulkas Pdf Files' title='The Science Of Homeopathy George Vithoulkas Pdf Files' />En el siglo XVI, el pionero de la farmacologa Paracelso declar que pequeas dosis de lo que enferma al hombre tambin lo cura. Samuel Hahnemann 1. XVIII. En ese tiempo, la medicina dominante usaba mtodos como la sangra y la purgacin, y administraba complejas mezclas, como la triaca veneciana, que estaba compuesta por 6. Estos tratamientos a menudo empeoraban los sntomas y a veces resultaban letales. Hahnemann rechaz estas prcticas, que haban sido elogiadas por siglos,3. El concepto de Hahnemann. El trmino homeopata fue acuado por Hahnemann y se public por primera vez en 1. Hahnemann concibi la homeopata mientras traduca al alemn un tratado de medicina escrito por el mdico y qumico escocs William Cullen. Escptico de la teora de Cullen respecto al uso de la quina para curar la malaria, Hahnemann ingiri su corteza solo para investigar qu sucedera. Experiment fiebre, escalofros y dolor articular sntomas similares a los de la malaria. A partir de esto, lleg a creer que todos los medicamentos efectivos producen en individuos sanos sntomas similares a aquellos de las enfermedades que tratan, de acuerdo con la ley de los similares que haban propuesto los mdicos antiguos. Un informe publicado en 1. Oliver Wendell Holmes fracas en reproducir los sntomas que declar Hahnemann. La ley de los similares de Hahnemann es un postulado ms que una ley cientfica. Las obras cientficas posteriores demostraron que la quina cura la malaria porque contiene quinina, sustancia que mata al parsito causante de la enfermedad Plasmodium falciparum. Su mecanismo de accin no guarda relacin con los sntomas del cinconismo. ComprobacionesHahnemann empez a examinar qu efectos produca cada sustancia en el hombre, un procedimiento que luego se conocera como comprobacin homeoptica. Estos exmenes requeran que los sujetos evaluaran los efectos de la ingestin de sustancias mediante el registro claro de todos sus sntomas, adems de las enfermedades secundarias junto con las que aparecieron. Public una coleccin de comprobaciones en 1. Materia Medica Pura 1. Debido a que Hahnemann crea que dosis altas de los medicamentos que causaban sntomas similares solo agravaran la enfermedad, abog por disoluciones extremas. Ide una tcnica para preparar disoluciones que crea preservaran las propiedades teraputicas de la sustancia a la vez que removan sus efectos perniciosos. Crea que el proceso despertaba y aumentaba los poderes mdicos tipo espritu de las sustancias crudas. Reuni y public un completo resumen de su nuevo sistema mdico en su libro Organon del arte de curar 1. Un remedio homeoptico a partir de t marsh la dilucin 1. C significa que la solucin original fue diluida a 11. Dado que existen varios rdenes de magnitud inferiores a 1. Miasmas y enfermedad. En Organon del arte de curar, Hahnemann introdujo el concepto de miasmas como principios infecciosos subyacentes a las enfermedades crnicas. Asoci cada miasma con enfermedades especficas y pens que la exposicin inicial a los miasmas causa sntomas locales, como enfermedades drmicas o venreas. Sin embargo, si estos sntomas fueran suprimidos por medicacin, la causa se adentrara y empezara a manifestarse en enfermedades de los rganos internos. La homeopata sostiene que el tratamiento de las enfermedades mediante el alivio de sus sntomas, lo que a veces se realiza en la medicina cientfica, es inefectivo porque todas las enfermedades pueden por lo general rastrearse a alguna tendencia latente, profundamente arraigada, subyacentemente crnica o inherente. El supuesto miasma subyacente an contina y las enfermedades profundas solo podran corregirse removiendo la perturbacin interior de la fuerza vital. Hahnemann originalmente postulo solo tres miasmas, de los cuales el ms importante era la psora picazn en griego, descrita como relacionada a cualquier enfermedad picante de la piel, supuestamente proveniente de la supresin de la sarna, y afirm que era la base de muchas otras enfermedades. Crea que la psora era la causa de enfermedades como la epilepsia, el cncer, la ictericia, la sordera y las cataratas. Desde los tiempos de Hahnemann, se han propuesto otros miasmas, algunos de los cuales reemplazan una o ms funciones propuestas para la psora, incluido el miasma tuberculosis y el miasma cncer. Oscillococcinum Wikipedia. Oscillococcinum or Oscillo12 is a homeopathic preparation marketed to relieve influenza like symptoms. It does not provide any benefit beyond that of sugar pills. It is a popular preparation, particularly in France. It is manufactured by Boiron, its sole manufacturer. Oscillococcinum is used in more than 5. The preparation is derived from duckliver and heart, diluted to 2. Ca ratio of one part duck offal to 1. Homeopaths claim that the molecules leave an imprint in the dilution that causes a healing effect on the body, although there is no evidence that supports this mechanism or efficacy beyond placebo. Oscillococcinum was originally proposed by the French physician Joseph Roy, based on his misidentification of an oscillating bacterium he named oscillococcus in victims of the Spanish flu epidemic of 1. Roy said he had seen the same bacterium in cancer sufferers, and proposed a homeopathic preparation which he claimed to have isolated in a duck as a remedy for the Spanish flu. The microbes Roy said he saw have never been independently observed by any other researcher. In addition, it is now known that flu is caused by a virus and not a bacterium. Origin and historyeditThe word Oscillococcinum was coined in 1. French physician Joseph Roy 1. Spanish Flu epidemic of 1. Roy wrote that on examining the blood of flu victims, he had observed what he thought to have been an oscillating bacterium which he named Oscillococcus. Roy claimed he had also detected the bacterium in the blood of patients that had viral diseases like herpes, chicken pox and shingles. He thought it to be the causative agent of diseases as varied as eczema, rheumatism, tuberculosis, measles, and cancer. The microbes have never been independently observed by another researcher, and it remains unclear what, if anything, Roy actually saw. Believing he had detected it in the blood of cancer patients, he tried a vaccine like therapy on them, which was unsuccessful. Medical science has since disproved Roys universal germ theory rheumatism, for example, is not caused by bacteria, and measles is caused by a virus far too small for Roy to have observed in his optical microscope. Roy searched for the bacterium in several animals until he felt that he had found it on the liver of the Long Island duckling. The modern preparation is created from the heart and liver of Muscovy duck see the preparation section for the details. In France the selling of all products manufactured according to the Korsakovian principle of dilution was forbidden until 1. Oscillo, thanks to a special measure made for it. As of 2. Oscillococcinum was one of the top ten selling drugs in France, was publicised widely in the media, and was being prescribed for both flu and cold. As of 2. US1. 5 million per year in the U. S., and it also sells widely in Europe. PreparationeditThe ingredients of a one gram tube of Oscillococcinum are listed as follows Active ingredient Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum extract of Muscovy duck liver and heart 2. CK HPUS 11. 04. Inactive ingredient 0. The 2. 00. CK indicates that the preparation entails a series of 2. Muscovy duck. 1. 0 Each step entails a 1 1. The K indicates that it is prepared by the Korsakovian method, in which rather than 1 of the preparation being measured out at each stage and then diluted, a single vessel is repeatedly emptied, refilled, and vigorously shaken in homeopathic terminology succussed, and it is assumed that 1 remains in the vessel each time. The 2. 00. C dilution is so extreme that the final pill contains none of the original material. Oscillococcinum is generally considered harmless. When Boiron the company that makes oscillococcinum spokeswoman Gina Casey was asked if a product made from the heart and liver of a duck was safe, she replied Of course it is safe. Theres nothing in it. EfficacyeditThere is no compelling scientific evidence that Oscillococcinum has any effect beyond placebo. None of its active ingredient is present in a dose of the final product, nor is there any credible evidence that duck liver is effective in relieving or causing flu symptoms in the first place. Homeopaths claim the diluted molecules leave an imprint in the remedy, but there is no known mechanism for how this could occur. Homeopathy as a whole is considered to be pseudoscience. As Robert L. Park, a critic of alternative medicine, explains, some of the characteristics of flu may suggest that Oscillococcinum works. Since the flu normally goes away on its own in a variable number of days, the natural course of the disease is a potential source of error in assessing the efficacy of any intervention if one takes any medication and ones flu goes away, then there is a tendency to attribute this to the medication even though the infection would have resolved anyway. Someone who gets over a mild strain of flu may attribute the mildness to the efficacy of the homeopathic preparation and not to the fact that it was a mild strain, and might recommend it to other people, spreading its popularity. Also, the most likely explanation for its effectiveness with flu symptoms is that patients are misdiagnosing the symptoms of several rhinovirus diseases or of allergies to several hundred substances, and attributing them to a flu infection that they do not have. A 2. 00. 5 review of flu treatments vaccine, medicine, homeopathy has concluded that the popularity of Oscillococcinum in France was unsupported by any evidence of efficacy. In a 2. 00. 7 review, the effectiveness of non mainstream remedies against seasonal flu could not be established beyond reasonable doubt, and the evidence is found to be sparse and limited by small sample sizes, low methodological quality, or clinically irrelevant effect sizes, and that the results strengthen using conventional approaches for flu. A Cochrane review published in December 2. Oscillococcinum is effective for the prevention or treatment of influenza. Lawsuits and criticismseditThe non profit, educational organizations Center for Inquiry CFI and the associated Committee for Skeptical Inquiry CSI have petitioned the U. S. Food and Drug Administration FDA, criticizing Boiron for misleading labeling and advertising of Oscillococcinum. One petition complains that Boirons packaging for Oscillococcinum lists the alleged active ingredient duck liver and heart in Latin only. Another petition complains that Boirons web ad for this product implies that it has received FDA approval. Ronald Lindsay, CFI and CSI president and chief executive officer, contends, If Boiron is going to sell snake oil, the least they can do is use English on their labels. A class action lawsuit was filed against Boiron on behalf of all California residents who purchased Oscillo at any time within the past four years. The lawsuit charges that Boiron falsely advertises that Oscillo has the ability to cure the flu because it contains an active ingredient it claims is proven to get rid of flu symptoms in 4. The lawsuit also states that the listed active ingredient in Oscillococcinum Oscillo is actually Muscovy Duck Liver and Heart. A settlement was reached, with Boiron denying any wrongdoing and agreeing to make several changes to its marketing of the product.