Absolute Obedience Bl Game
Jews, Generals, The US War Machine. MilitaryZionist Articles, Jewish Bankers Articles, America In Decline Articles. JEWS, GENERALS, THE US WAR MACHINEBy Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2. Jews, Generals, The US War Machine. MilitaryZionist Articles, Jewish Bankers Articles, America In Decline Articles. JEWS, GENERALS, THE US WAR MACHINE. R6TRKPO9IA/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Absolute Obedience Bl Game' title='Absolute Obedience Bl Game' />Bouviers Law Dictionary 1856 Edition. F. F, punishment, English law. Formerly felons were branded and marked with a hot iron, with this letter, on being admitted to. One day, the protagonists cell phone rings. His uncle, the manager of a chain shop that rents handymen, is on the other line. He has a proposition for his nephew. Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner Link To Real Zionist NewsSMSupport Brother Nathanael HEREOr Send Your Contribution To Brother Nathanael Kapner PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail bronathanaelyahoo. For The Best. Alternative News. CLICK Rense. com. HereAMERICAS CHANGE FROM A CIVILIAN TO A MILITARY ECONOMY reached a point of no return in the 1. From then on, a perpetual war machine was in motion with Wall Street Jewish investment banks funding US armament industries. The change can be traced to Trumans National Security Council Paper, NSC 6. America could sustain its economic growth by applying John Maynard Keynes emphasis on the role of government to the military or security sphere. Truman signed the Paper as a basic US policy doctrine on September 3. Although the world was at peace, the directive called for increasing the annual US arms budget by 3. Military Keynesianism soon became the essence of Americas economy. And the Zionist Jews of Wall Street took full advantage of this new investment opportunity. While Military contracts were awarded to defense contractors to maintain the Cold War with Russia, US industrial plants began to decay. Outsourcing came into vogue as Americans bought TV sets, cameras, and cars from overseas. American labels on foreign goods were just American wrappers on Asian products. Michael Scheuers Official Website. Foreign policy independent of all, under the influence of none. By Fritz Springmeier. September 2003. from ConspiracyTheories Website. Spanish version. This chapter is actually a chapter of the Deeper Insights book, but it was. Dogs Queensland The Queensland Dog World. Inside this issue Cover photograph Pukawidgee Warregai Bred and owned by Ashlee Houlden. Presidents Message. Japanese eroge, also known as HLight novels or hentai games, have their origins in the early 1980s, when Japanese companies introduced their own brands of. TURNING THEIR INVESTMENTSto consumer production and commercial markets abroad, Wall Street Jews began concentrating their finances on military production at home. Skilled technique and able management now belonged to Japan, not America. Jewish bankers were no longer interested in domestic civilian production. Their market was the US government and payments were fed by the Jewish owned Federal Reserve. So why bother investing in American made cameras or washing machines when you could invest in bombers and drones The profits were much larger and the risks were zero. Reaching a position of permanence after 91. Military Keynesianism had produced a National Security State controlled by Zionists and financed by Wall Street Jews. By signing NSC 6. Harry Truman had given birth to a MilitaryZionist global beast. ZIONIST JEWS FUND THE US WAR MACHINETHE PUSH FOR NEW AND MORE DEADLY WEAPONSis currently fueled by Jewish investment banks, with Goldman Sachs and State Street Corporation at the lead. With military spending being the largest single item in the federal budget for fiscal 2. Obama for a record 7. Billion to fund his wars, defense contractors get their marching orders from Jewish investment analysts who dictate contractors business policies from their financial towers on Wall Street. Based on a Goldman Sachs Report published on June 5, 2. General Dynamics announced that it was acquiring Axsys Technologies, a company that provides high end optics for unmanned drones, in order to attract investors. In another example of Jewish bankers control of Defense contractors, shares of Lockheed Martin were driven down by 1. January 6, 2. 01. Goldman Sachs told investors to sell rather than hold Lockheed stocks. Not only do the Jews on Wall Street control military industries externally, but they maintain leverage over the defense contractors, internally. A greater amount of power over the military industries has been concentrated into fewer hands it only takes 1. Jewish investment blocs. Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Northrop Grumman have large Jewish banks as their major investors. The huge investment bank, State Street Corporation, is the major stockholder of these 3 top US defense contractors. In the Board of Directors of SSC, one can find the names of Robert S Kaplan Former Senior Director of Goldman Sachs Robert Weissman and Peter Coym Former Chairman of Lehman Brothers. State Street Bank owns 1. Lockheed Martin stock, 1. Boeing stock, and 9. Northrop Grumman stock. Co shareholders in these companies as well as in Halliburton and Raytheon, include the Jewish Investment banks, Goldman Sachs, Oppenheimer Funds, and Capital Research And Management Company. In other words, no General of Americas armed forces, and thus the entire US military, makes a decision apart from the Jews on Wall Street who control his ability to wage war with the deadly armaments they provide. View List Of Defense Investors. Here. ISRAEL TO JOIN A GLOBAL NATOISRAEL LAUNCHED A DIPLOMATIC INITIATIVE in an effort to influence the outcome of NATOs new Strategic Concept, reported the Jerusalem Post on January 1. Participating in NATOs Strategic Concept Seminar this January, Israel and other members of NATOs Mediterranean Dialogue, joined former US Secretary of State, Madelyn Albright, who Chairs the Group of Experts on NATOs new Strategic Concept, in expanding bloodshed and war crimes throughout the world. Albright, of Czech Jewish origin and who ordered NATOs bombing of Serbian civilians in 1. Partnerships are central to NATOs future. The passing years have created the need for a NATO of greater reach. We have learned that partnerships can act as a force multiplier. View Albrights War Crimes. Here. IN A SERIESof joint military drills since 2. Israel has been part of US led NATOs quest to become a Global Military and Police force with membership advocates in key positions in America. General James Jones, Obamas National Security Advisor, is a major promoter of Israels inclusion in the alliance. In the SeptemberOctober issue of Foreign Affairs, published by the Council on Foreign Relations, Zionist Jew James Goldgeier, wrote an article called Global NATO which called for Israels membership in NATO With little fanfare and even less notice NATO has gone global. The principle enshrined in Article 5, that an attack on one is an attack on all, must remain at the core of the alliance. Potential new members like Israel may not pose much of an issue in this respect. For after all, the US already guarantees Israels security. View Entire Story. Here. On January 2. Israeli cabinet ministers, headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, held a joint cabinet meeting with their counterparts in Berlin. The subject under discussion was Israels intention to station German made and subsidized Dolphin submarines in the Persian Gulf bordering Iran. DURING THE BERLIN TALKS, Israels Debka File reported that the recent deployment of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group in the Persian Gulf added muscle to the words of General David Petraeus, who said that Irans nuclear infrastructure can be bombed. Iranian officials have subsequently questioned the Wests 9. Gulf, calling it a military environment arrayed against Iran. Who can make war with the beast cry the masses in The Revelation of St John. Arising out of the global sea will come this beast of military stature. The stage is now being set for the emergence of the Anti Christ. And he, like the Zionists and their shills now in power, will be a Jew, a General, and the head of global war machineFor More See The Anti Christ Will Be A Jew. Click Here. And The Tie Between US Militarism Zionist Jews. Click Here. And The Israeli Global Military Beast. Click Here. And Afghanistan Obamas Zionist War. A Culture of Authoritarianism A Society of Totalitarianism Operation Disclosure. A Culture of AuthoritarianismA Society of Totalitarianism The impact of the 2. Century in its short phylogenesis has produced a pseudonymous willingness to accept the most threatening viewpoints and behavior yet seen on the planet. Implied within this overview is the precept that free will is the natural basis of our collective makeup. Nevertheless, the flight from personal liberty and constructive communal cultural values has been in an unimpeded free fall as the coercion of the mob intensifies. According to this groupthink, no competing ontology is acceptable in this brave new world of multicultural purity. This snake pit of toxic venom has been poisoning the popular culture for dozens of decades. So far the battle for sanity has fought off the scourge. However, the recent escalation of pernicious assaults on the decency of human freedom has become indisputable. Listing a litany of aggressive examples of our cultural demise is not necessary. You know the horror stories from your own life. If you are of an age that has accumulated meaningful worldly experience, be honest and admit the factual reality of our cultural downfall. The forces committed to the demise of Western Civilization are implanted within every aspect of society. Sure there are millions of conscientious citizens that want to lead a normal life. Still, when compared to their own life cycle, the current crop of indoctrinated and educated government school guinea pigs exist in a foreign haze of cultural secular humanism. So when Henry Giroux, writes during the pre Trump era in Counterpunch, Culture of Cruelty the Age of Neoliberal Authoritarianism, a liberal thought mindset comes through loud and clear. Relegated to an object of disdain by right wing extremists, the legacy of democratic principles now withers under a social order marked by a hardening of the culture and the emergence of an unprecedented survival of the fittest ethos. This is a mean spirited ethos that rails against any notion of solidarity and compassion that embraces a respect for others. The consequences of this emerging authoritarianism speak to a different experience of total terror in the 2. The basic elements of this new neoliberal authoritarianism can be seen clearly in the ongoing and ruthless assault on the social state, unions, higher education, workers, students, poor minority youth, and any vestige of the social contract. Free market policies, values, and practices with their emphasis on the privatization of public wealth, the elimination of social protections, and the deregulation of economic activity now shape practically every commanding political and economic institution in both countries. Markets now use their economic and ideological resources to weaponize and militarize all aspects of everyday life, increasingly held in place by a culture of fear, a pedagogy of repression, a banal celebrity culture, game show aesthetics, and a politics of precarity, control, and mass surveillance. A world of shadows, secrecy, and lawlessness now characterizes a deep state that is ruthless in its pursuit of wealth and power and indifferent to its plundering of both humanity and the planet. Giroux blame game analysis ignores in his Orwellian comparison the actual perverts who abandon the timeless tenants of civility and replace our traditional heritage with a 2. Century advocacy of socialized collectivism. The substantive architects of the cultural authoritarianism that has gripped America in an epidemic of delusion and carnage are complicit, who turned their backs on basic Christian values and accept the relativism of a malformed society. Over sixteen years ago the essay, What is the Responsibility of a Citizen, defined the purpose of a citizen. Human Nature, being what it is, not all will, or are able to, become members in good standing. For those who are the exceptions, their place will be discussed another time. But for those who willingly choose to become part of the Civilized Community, the prospects for a meaningful future can be earned. Therefore, the responsibility of the citizen to his society starts with the respect he needs to accept for himself. This should not be confused with being self centered. Quite to the contrary, this idea of self worth requires that no one will, willingly accept being reduced to slavery, even when it is created by your own hands. This is a radical departure from the common activities of most people. For the chains of serfdom, are forged upon the anvils of your own making. Full Game Madden 06 Pc. Intimidation is more harmful than the bullet. And bowing to the tyrant is easy when the alternative is to choose to defend your dignity. But we live in a time of soft bodies and minds that have accepted the substitute of comfort, for honor and purpose. Farming Simulator 2009 Crack Free Download- Download Activated Version. My responsibility is the same as yours. I am willing to accept that obligation, but can you say the same Are you willing to chooseWill you become responsible to me, as much as I am willing to defend your rights This is the essence of citizenship. But can this standard be resurrected, or have we all passed the point of no returnThe answer lies within your own reply. Authoritarianism is no longer seen as a scourge to the irresponsible. Having second thoughts about accepting the dictates of the so called authorities bother fewer and fewer people with every passing year. The degree of silent acceptance grows into a tolerance of greater levels of tyranny. The ensembled rage on social media and the message from the gatekeepers for the establishment enlightenment is clear. Go against the grain of acceptable PC, and all hell will come down upon you. Reputations and lives are routinely destroyed whenever the authoritarian mantra is challenged. Those among the public who remains in their daze of conformity and submission are the true protectors of the despotic system. As long as the fear of being labeled a racist, a bigot, an anti Semitic or a hard right conservative persists the courage of the nation can be fit into a closed lid bottle for storage. This attitude underpins why the society has transformed into a totalitarian gulag. LIBERTY is now the dirtiest word in the vocabulary and taking a knee no longer means you are praying to God. By swallowing the autocratic structure of oppression, the gradual morphing into a society of totalitarianism becomes complete. Those who argue over degrees of despotism and what scale of autarchy is acceptable are cowards. Government is the vehicle that dispenses this dictatorship. Even when the track record for corruption, unlawful behavior, and predatory enforcement are revealed, most will still defend the system as a flawed work in process. Well, this posture is a joke. Some form of organizing society will entail a government social system because the very purpose of such an administration is to tax and force citizens to conform their conduct into obedience. Tyranny is a recent essay that expands upon this theme. Today the velocity of technology has become an integral part of advancing the Absolute Swamp State. Nearly every inhabitant derives their income and effective ability to subsist from a rigged economy that fosters the global empire. Back in the day opposing this oligarchy model from permanent rule was accepted by the majority of the nation. This mindset is absent in the digital age of virtual reality.